
7 February 2020

Updates on Blocktrain Schedules in February and March

The actions taken to prevent the novel Corona Virus from spreading in China have had an impact on…

Press Releases
31 January 2020

Changes in Nurminen Logistics Blocktrain Service due to Corona Virus Epidemic

Border crossing formalities are functioning normally through the route used for blocktrain service by Nurminen Logistics. The Sales team of…

Junavaunut Vuosaari
20 January 2020

Transit of Sanctioned Goods via Russian Federation now Available

Russian Federation has presented a procedure for transporting sanctioned goods in transit via the territory of Russia by railway. If…

Terminaali Helsingin satamassa
20 January 2020

Transit of Sanctioned Goods via Russian Federation now Available

Russian Federation has presented a procedure for transporting sanctioned goods in transit via the territory of…

12 December 2019

Tero Vauraste’s letter to Customers and Partners on 12 December 2019

Dear Customers and Partners!  I have taken the role of CEO at Nurminen Logistics on 6 December. I have had…

12 December 2019

Tero Vauraste’s letter to Customers and Partners on 12 December 2019

Dear Customers and Partners!  I have taken the role of CEO at Nurminen Logistics on 6…

25 November 2019

Operations of Nurminen Logistics in Finland temporarily affected by trade union strikes

Several different trade unions in Finland have established their willingness to support The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU in…

25 November 2019

Operations of Nurminen Logistics in Finland temporarily affected by trade union strikes

Due to strikes connected to negotiation process between trade union The Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU and Finnish Mail,…

Junavaunut Vuosaari
22 November 2019

Nurminen Logistics’ China Block Train has started its second year of operation

Nurminen Logistics has now operated direct block train service bewteen China and Finland for one year. Demand for third way…

Terminaali Helsingin satamassa
22 November 2019

Nurminen Logistics’ China Block Train has started its second year of operation

Nurminen Logistics has now operated direct block train service bewteen China and Finland for one year.